Prove Them Wrong!
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
- Steven Hayes
One of my greatest mentors, Rob Connell, told me years ago, “one thing you can count on when pursuing your dreams: there will always be someone there to tear you down.”
He was right. No exceptions exist to this rule.
Someone will always be there to say you can’t, to say you’re wrong, to say you shouldn’t, or to make you feel like shit for trying.
Some facts you must learn to accept and to overcome:
Some people do not want you to do well.
Some people do not want you to do better than they themselves have done.
Some people want you to stay the same so that they do not feel guilty themselves.
Some people want you to stay the same so that they can maintain their hold over you.
Some people simply don’t understand.
You must learn to ignore these people and these influences. Sometimes you must remove them from your circle altogether. Removing your naysayers is easier for some people than it is for others, but at the end of the day, you are the only one accountable for you.
They are not going to change.
It is you that must change.
Prove them wrong. Rise to your cause. Grow stronger than them.
Your effort, your choice, your life!
David Odle is a trainer, fitness enthusiast, and author. He spent seven years in the military, primarily in the U.S. Marine Corps. He is a Spartan Race competitor, an avid fitness fan, and a 5k enthusiast. David's mission is to help people transform into better versions of themselves by tapping into their dormant capability. If you’d like to reach out to David, you can find him at